The Phone Company

No doubt about it.  The phone company used to be a lot better than it is now. You were billed for one month at a time; my last “monthy statement” was evidently a bill for two month, for some reason I couldn’t get them to explain.

On your monthly bill was a phone number you could call if you had any complaint, and it was usually a simple matter to clear up problems, and always in your own favor.  If the mistake were in your favor, they’d usually write it off. They wanted satisfied customers, and company policy was to assure it.

Today I tried calling the phone company about a discrepancy in my bill. I have DSL service with ATT. It took me ages to get through.

I was asked half a dozen times for my phone number and shuttled from one person to another.

It used to be rare to have to speak to more than one person, but now there are different people to handle different things, and they can never transfer a call from one to another without problems, usually making you go through the voice mail system, choose your language, announce your number, run through an ill-conceived menu of choices, listen to commercials, and wait on hold.

It’s dreadful.

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